Holloway's Detasseling


After the summer of 2010 and after 30 years I have officially retired from being a contractor for corn detasseling. Feel free to use this website for any information about what corn detasseling is and how it is done.

Welcome to Holloway's Detasseling.  An excellent summer job that gives you the opportunity to meet new friends,
earn money, win some fabulous prizes, and learn the exciting job of corn detasseling.  All this can be done in just a few
short weeks in the summer time and you can still enjoy most of your summer vacation.

About Holloway's Detasseling Bus Pick up Locations and Leave Times  

Policies on: The Corn Detasseling Job:
     Employment      What is Corn Detasseling?
     Early Termination       How is Corn Detasseling done?

Frequently asked questions:
    How do I sign up to work?
    When do I start and how long does it last?
    How do I get to the field for work?
    What is the pay rate and when do I get paid?
    What is the bonus, how much is it and how do I get it?
    How are the prizes given out?
    Are there any excused absences?
    What if I think my pay check is wrong?
    What about working Saturdays or Sundays?
    What do I need to bring?
    Do I need to bring my own water?
    How should I dress?
    What is the safety equipment needed?
    What is a typical work day?
    What about weather conditions?
    How do I know if I work the next day?
    What if I miss the bus?
    What if I have problems with other workers?
    What if I get hurt or have an accident?
    Can I bring walkmans, MP3 players or cell phones?
    What if I need to contact you?
    What can I do to survive?

Distinct Visitors